My favorite color is Purple . I have always been attracted to this color. Purple combines the energy of the red and the stability of the blue color. Throughout the ages, purple has always been associated with royalty, prestige and nobility. The color purple can symbolize mystery, luxury, power and magic. Purple is often used to portray rich powerful kings, leaders, magicians and even sorcerers. Purple combined with gold can be flashy and portray wealth and extravagance. Bright purple and pink are good as feminine designs and is popular among teenage girls. Light purple together with the color yellow is commonly used in advertisements for children’s products. It gives the impression of something that is fun and easy to deal with.
The color purple relates to the imagination and spirituality and allows us to get in touch with our deepest thoughts. The difference between violet and purple is that violet is displayed in the visible light spectrum, while purple is simply a mixture of red and blue. Violet vibrations are the highest in the visible spectrum. Although violet is not quite as intense as purple, their essence is the same. Generally speaking, the names are interchangeable and the meaning of the colors are the same. Both colors contain energy and strength from the color red, with spirituality and integrity from the color blue. The colors symbolize the union of body and soul, which creates a balance between our physical and spiritual energies.
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